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This is the Home page about the Chinese Zodiac!!

The year of the RAT

1900 - 1912 - 1924 - 1936 - 1948 - 1960 - 1972 - 1984 - 1996 - 2008

You are ambitious, yet honest.  Prone to spend freely.  Seldom make lasting friendships.  Most compatible with dragons and monkeys.  Least compatible with horses.

The year of the OX

1901 - 1913 - 1925 - 1937 - 1949 - 1961 - 1973 - 1985 - 1997 - 2009

Bright, patient and inspiring to others.  You can be happy by yourself, yet make and outstanding parent.  Marry a snake or a cock.  The sheep will bring trouble.

The year of the TIGER

1902 - 1914 - 1926 - 1938 - 1950 - 1962 - 1974 - 1986 - 1998 - 2010

Tiger people are aggressive, candid, couragous, and sensitive.  Look to the horse and the dog for happiness.  Beware of the monkey.

The year of the RABBIT

1903 - 1915 - 1927 - 1939 - 1951 - 1963 - 1975 - 1987 - 1999 - 2011

Luckiest of all signs, you are also talented and articulate.  Affectionate, yet shy, you seek peace throughout your life.  Marry a sheep or boar.  Your opposite is the cock.

The year of the DRAGON

1904 - 1916 - 1928 - 1940 - 1952 - 1964 - 1976 - 1988 - 2000 - 2012

You are eccentric and your life complex.  You have a very passionate nature and abundant health.  Marry a monkey or rat late in life.  Avoid the dog.

The year of the SNAKE

1905 - 1917 - 1929 - 1941 - 1953 - 1965 - 1977 - 1989 - 2001 - 2013

Wise and intense with tendancy towards physical beauty.  Vain and high-tempered.  The boar is your enemy.  The cock or ox are your best signs.

The year of the HORSE

1906 - 1918 - 1930 - 1942 - 1954 - 1966 - 1978 - 1990 - 2002 - 2014

Popular and attractive to the opposite sex.  You are often ostentatious and impatient.  You need people.  Marry a tiger or dog early, but never a rat.

The year of the SHEEP

1907 - 1919 - 1931 - 1943 - 1955 - 1967 - 1979 - 1991 - 2003 - 2015

Elegant and creative, you are timid and prefer anonymity.  You are most compativle with boars and rabbits, but never the ox.

The year of the MONKEY

1908 - 1920 - 1932 - 1944 - 1956 - 1968 - 1980 - 1992 - 2004 - 2016

You are very intelligent and are able to influence people.  An enthusiastic achiever, you are easily discouraged and confused.  Avoid tigers.  Seek a dragon or rat.

The year of the COCK

1909 - 1921 - 1933 - 1945 - 1957 - 1969 - 1981 - 1993 - 2005 - 2017

A pioneer in spirit, you are devoted to work and quest after knowledge.  You are selfish and eccentric.  Rabbits are trouble.  Snakes and ox are fine.

The year of the DOG

1910 - 1922 - 1934 - 1946 - 1958 - 1970 - 1982 - 1994 - 2006 - 2018

Loyal and honest, you work well with others.  Generous yet stubborn and often selfish.  Look to the horse or tiger.  Watch out for Dragons.

The year of the BOAR

1911 - 1923 - 1935 - 1947 - 1959 - 1971 - 1983 - 1995 - 2007 - 2019

Noble and chilvalrous.  Your friends will be lifelong, yet you are prone to martial strife.  Avoid other boars.  Marry a rabbit or a sheep.


The Chinese Zodiac consists of a 12 year cycle, each year of which is named after a different animal that imparts distinct characteristics to its year.  Many Chinese believe that the year of a person's birth is the primary factor in determining that person's personality traits, physical and mental attributes, and the degree of success and amount of happiness they will have throughout their lifetime.  To learn about your Animal Sign, find the year of your birth among the list to the left.  (Note: The Chinese New Year doesn't officially begin until the 2nd New Moon after Winter Solstice. This means that even if you were born on a particular year, because everyone's birthday is different, you're animal sign, according to the Chinese calender, may in fact be the sign from the previous year.  This is only a technicality, which many people who use the modern international calender may or may not choose to ignore.)

According to Chinese legend, the twelve animals quarreled one day as to who was to head the cycle of years. The gods were asked to decide and they held a contest: whoever was to reach the opposite bank of the river would be first, and the rest of the animals would receive their years according to their finish. All the twelve animals gathered at the river bank and jumped in. Unknown to the ox, the rat had jumped upon his back. As the ox was about to jump ashore, the rat jumped off the ox's back, and won the race. The boar, who was very lazy, ended up last. That is why the rat is the first year of the animal cycle, the ox second, and the boar last.